
Making Change Happen

My plan is to tell the story of how I use my skills as an architect and agile project manager to build teams on sight in a part of Africa and make some good change for orphans or other kids in poverty.

What we do

Empowering others

Dedicated to fostering community well-being through volunteer-driven initiatives. Together, we can make a lasting impact.


Since I experienced my most sad and most heart warming moment at a Kenyan orphanage, I feel called to help kids in this situation.

Other organisations do not want to work with orphanages after a UN resolution saying that this situation is not good for children. This may be the last option but still it exists and the kids there will not dissapear even if UN sais it is not a good solution. So what I can do is to clean, refurbish and make it a litle bit better conditions for the orphans and hopefully get them with supporting people who can pay the school fees. 

Buying a goat

A goat is a great gift to a family in poverty. Value 70-150 USD. It can give milk, get babies and requires no land to own, to keep them. It is a first start of farming which can grow slowly to incomes paying for school fees.

Freeing children

My aim is to be able to free some of these kids and bring them back to there families.

Children in many countries get sold from families, with promisses of better food and school. They have to work hard, some 15 hour days in the sun and often for only a dollar per week. 

A bicycle

I would love to gift bicycles. A bicycle can make the way to school shorter and ease transportation.

Africa as a continent has surprisingly few bicycles compared to more expensive and fuel burning motorcycles. 


I believe in supporting positive, creative people like myself with a burning drive to make a change. For them to help others around them. 


An adventure on an other continent means a lot of interesting encounters and I am happy to be open to what comes my way within the theme of making lives better for people in poverty.

in 2023 almost 700 million people around the world were subsisting on less than $2.15


Pedal Forward

Next adventure

Autumn of 2024, I will visit western Africa, Ghana to set up a couple of projects making a brighter life for orphants.

Agile projects

Since my experience from my Kenya - South Africa cycle, I have studied Agile Project management, which I plan to use as my main tool.

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- Volonteers over coming years

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Pedal for Positive Change

Bike of Good Hope offers rewarding experiences helping communities through bike donations and volunteering. Join the movement for a greener, healthier future today!

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I look for sponsors for autumn adventure 2024


Heartwarming impact in Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa, Benin and Nepal


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Follow the adventurous projects in Africa

On bicycle trips through Africa and Asia, since 2016 myself with friends has collected over 11 000 USD. Come follow my adventures!